Saturday, November 20, 2010

moment of joy :)

Blogging is not my strong suit, I'm a journal girl.  But what I do love about the blogging world is the added benefit of pictures to post to my "journal" entries!  

It's been a fabulous weekend.  Very relaxing, and homie.  Ava caught a virus Thursday night--yuck!  And yesterday (Friday) she was still a bit down from that so we had to skip the school Thanksgiving program.  Maximus is growing 5 teeth--2 of which are molars--this week, so he's been a little under the weather as well, so we took advantage and totally embraced a down weekend, no plans, no deadlines, no work-which is hard to do when you work from home-and I have been amazed at what joy has come from it!

Here are just a few of our highlights :) 

John and Leo waiting for the (much anticipated) arrival of our furniture


Our butterfly emerges from it's cocoon :)

Little Bird Lovies found in play :)

Our butterfly release

The release party :)
At a birthday celebration for our neighbor :)

1 comment:

erin said...

I love seeing your lovies in play! :-)