Saturday, August 13, 2011

summer 2011

I have taken this summer to truly, fully, wholly embrace each moment that I have been given with my wonderful four, my family, my friendships, my work, my craft.  I have organized each room in my house--once, it needs to be done again actually ... BUT I did do a one time major clean out/purge/filing/sorting of EVERYTHING week.  I played with each of my children, read books, rode bikes, swam ... I created with each, shared paint, shared stories, shared dirt, and lots of germs for sure.  I took just the 'bigs' out on occasion, and hung back with just the 'littles' while John got to share in the same experience of just having 2 again ;)  I went on date nights, and girls nights and had nights all to myself.  I made a cake from scratch, and Beef Wellington!  I became obsessed with the Food Network ... I entertained, I love hostessing :)  I exercised and really started taking a good hard look at what I eat ... I went on my first vacation since my honeymoon, granted it was with 4 children--but also a babysitter ;)  I enjoyed lots of one on one time with my husband and we really got to know each other again in these new roles we play in our real life now.  I brought Ava into the family business, she helped to create our next line of birds soon to be out, in fact!  
I lived this summer, and really enjoyed being me, and loved being with all those that make me, me:) I'm so thankful to be able to have the time to embrace Summer Breaks, 
I'm glad I took the time and really did this summer.

 Each of these pictures make me smile :)  
I will always love Summer 2011!

1 comment:

Lizbeth Brown said...

Sounds like you all had a wonderful summer!