
Monday, March 25, 2013

Festival Benefiting Texas School of Austism

Festival Benefiting Texas School of Austism, 
located right here in San Antonio!!

It was such a beautiful event to be apart of.  Held on a fairgrounds kind of place, there was a park and then booth after booth of carnival like activities ~ catered to the enjoyment standpoint a child with Autism would feel.  All booths and activities were sensory based.  It was so beautiful to watch autistic children interact and play at each booth right alongside a child without Autism.

I was selling my wares there and received so much feedback--All positive, aside from my pricing ~ A bit much for a carnival guest, who would rather put money back into buying MORE tickets, of course?! 
 {Little Bird is not a thrifty product, but it is quality and unique.  I actually consider it to be a unique piece of art that will hold up for generations to come.  An heirloom piece, if you will.} 

{That may just be my own personal bias shining through} ... 

Nonetheless, it was wonderful to talk about and share about Little Bird and get peoples genuine opinions on each blanket and 
hybrid concept.  

I actually ended up selling six blankets by the end of the day, and I felt great!  I haven't done a booth in quite sometime, in fact the last time was way back in 2010 and I didn't end up selling a thing!  I don't think I could have given it away ...  But this year, Little Bird is better than I could have ever imagined.  Our new Painter Bird, Taira and I have gotten painting and the richness of 
colors down to a science.  
Every animal appliqued has approximately 4 layers of paint, which have been heat set and washed a total of 3 times before you even touch the blanket.  The blankets and their animal will not fade, they will simply get softer over time.  THEREFORE
  making them fully loveable and washable!  
We've had a few of ours for at least 6 years now, and they are still just as fantastic as the day they were made, maybe even better with each memory attached now :)

Excited to be growing with Little Bird!  
With the sale of these 6, and one more this morning, brings our total GIVE for 2013 to 15 so far!!  

Thank you for all who stopped by and said hello!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Break 2013 celebrated with JOY

It was quickly apparent that this past 10 day hiatus from regularly scheduled life and routine was MUCH needed ...  Not a moment was overlooked, even when we were napping, we were soaking in and making the most of every second Spring Break 2013 offered!

Highlights from such an exciting, relaxing, warm and joyful week FULL of LOVE 
First, we took an entire weekend off.  Aside from swim lessons on Saturday, we barely left the grounds of our home.  It was lunchtime each day that we even thought about putting on clothing other than PJ's ...  Our Motto:  Homebodies. 
Monday, we got out and saw some dinosaurs, but quickly realized all of Texas was celebrating SB, and quickly made are way back to our cozy, quite home for some Lego's and movies and bike riding.  We can be local tourists any day ;)
Tuesday, Mini Golf!
Wednesday-Sunday, road trip to Louisiana for some much over due cousin and Avia and Papa David and even great grandparent time.  We all soaked up being old enough now to play without 100% supervision 100 percent of our time together!

1/2 way point, pit stop for a picnic and some Bear time at Baylor.

A lot of baseball played ...

Walking to gramma's.  It was so neat to walk it with my children :)

I will always love this front yard...

2 very proud namesakes to one pretty cool lady!  Adeline McDade Roemer.

My older brother Daniel with his Namesake and only son, Daniel Hayes

All the Looming :)

My Maximus :)

So thankful these two have each other :)

Papa David with 2 of his many girls :)

the gang, minus, Uncle T, The entire other Melville Family, Aunt Sonya, Uncle John and Papa David

One of my favorite women in my life, Idella.  She always keeps me real, doesn't put up with anything less.

My namesake and beautiful, growing niece, Gracey Jayne, and her daddy and Avia.

On our way to Queen!

Of course, Ava loses yet another tooth!!

This picture alone, pretty much sums up our week!  

It's weeks like this that make me so thankful to be apart of a big family, and the joys of having one as well:)  When I looked over these pictures of highlights from the week's adventures, I am so thankful that I'm the mom or Aunt or sister or daughter or granddaughter or friend to all of these 
beautiful, talented, special children. 

We sure had one Full week of Spring Break JOY! 
Glad to be home and headed back to school tomorrow :)

***Special thanks to my Aunt Melinda for opening up her home for us to invade with 8 children and 5 adults!  It was such a comfy stay.  And to my FABULOUS, cannot live without, trusty babysitter extraordinaire, Taira :) We are so thankful for you!