
Thursday, February 21, 2013

February Rewards!!!

If you are a current Flock Member or are NEW TO THE NEST, please email me @ 
 I'll send promo code good thru March 17th!!  For some reason, I can't send each of you an email, 
so I thought I'd post it to the world!! *************************
The month of LOVE!!! 
I love FEBRUARY!!! 
Working on our collection for October 2013--Breast Cancer awareness Month!!  
Due to my LOVE of LOVE, I'm spreading it!  Here's how to take full advantage of my addiction :)
**Check out and favorite some of our Etsy Collection, and/or add us to your treasury@ LittleBirdbygrace--Simply convo me to let me know, and I'll send a coupon of thanks!
 **'Like' us on FB --let me know on a post, I'll send a thank you :)
**Follow us on Twitter {@littlebirdvint} and 
***definitely become a member of our FLOCK back at the Chirp! 

 AS A HUGE thank you, all the Flock will get a promotion code valid thru Saint Patricks Day, March 17th! {Let me know what you think about the pink}
We wish you Warmth, LOVE and Happiness!

Grace Berios
of Little Bird Vintage Designs

Sunday, February 17, 2013


One pretty fantastic day of celebration and joy! 
  Thankful for my little family and the time I got to spend with each member today! I loved and appreciated each one of my wishes and calls and messages and texts!  I felt so special the entire day! Thank you:). 
34 feels pretty spectacular!

A day in pictures below:   
Sewing with Ava early Saturday morning, she's getting so good at designing and creating things.. of course we needed a Star Wars purse, made fem with our lavender bird ;)
Leo and Ava got invited to a superhero party that afternoon, here's a picture of Leo in full Superhero mode, and Ava being Ava.

Maximus, KJ, John and Mr. Rigby and I had cupcakes to celebrate while the bigs were eating cake at the other party.

John and I went to Sur La Table and made a 4 course meal together {and then ate it :)} which was probably the most fun I've had at dinner in 34 years!  We loved it and the meal prepared was absolutely delicious!  I'll have to make it for you one day ;)

 This looks to be a fabulous year!

Excited for what's to come :)


Thursday, February 14, 2013

"Love, Love, Love"

All You Need is Love!

My resounding theme in my life, I HOPE!  I LOVE, love in all forms!  Hugs, Kisses, hand written notes, acts of kindness, smiles, service to others--especially!  That might have to be my top love, seeing or witnessing or experience an act of service or hospitality to another with nothing expected in return.  My heart gushes for that :)

My foot pedal to my favorite sewing machine broke this week:(  I purchased a good enough used one to replace it out of a wonderfully helpful shop in Austin--Hopefully arrives today--Fingers and toes crossed :)

  I decided to make the most of an "off" day and CELEBRATE my loves in my life:  
My Best Friend, sole mate, and luckily for me, my husband, my Johns!  My beautiful, sparkly Ava Bird, my strong, witty Leo, my joyfully charming little Octopus, Maximus and my spunky go getter, Kalliope, and of course, my loveable, furry white monster, Rigby.  

 We had the fortune of a RAINY Saturday this past weekend to stay inside and make homemade Valentines for all their friends at school and beloved teachers--they even made a few for each other--which made my heart leap :)
And now that All 4 of my little ones are at the same school, I have volunteered (for the first time ever) to assist with school Valentine's Day Festivities!!  
Cannot WAIT!  
Pictures to come of our homemade crafts and matching cookies thanks to our neighbor, Ms Josie, or Morsels by Josie!
Leo's are the black with glitter--who knew he was such a glitterer??  Max's are blue and green, signed, and then just a touch of silver on each :)
Ava's :)
All 4 chose a color heart and went to town crafting and personalizing each! 

This morning, I am walking to Central Market to get last minute ingredients to whip up this fabulous favorite from Pioneer Woman for tonight's LOVE Feast at the Berios Residence :) 
Everyday is pretty much a joyful celebration here, even on our down days, it's just how we roll. 

I wish you and the birds in your life, young and old, a day FULL of Love whether it be as the giver or recipient :)

Oh yes, and a song to leave you with :)

All You Need is Love, The Beatles
Love, love, love.
Love, love, love.
Love, love, love.

There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game.
It's easy.

Nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time.
It's easy.

All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.

All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.

Nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.

All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.

All you need is love (all together, now!)
All you need is love. (everybody!)
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need (love is all you need).

Oh yeah!
She loves you, yeah yeah yeah.
She loves you, yeah yeah yeah.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fat and Happy this Tuesday! Happy Mardi Gras

My housekeeper has been away since Thanksgiving (she returned this next week, yesterday to be exact!!!).  In her absence I have been begrudgingly learning to clean my own house and fold and keep my own families laundry straight and in order ... Thanks in part to many a mom of multiple blogs and DIY sites, I made it through and we're all a happier, much more clutter free home because of it with an extremely  higher respect and appreciation for all that our housekeeper affords us.  

It was a good eye opening experience to undertake.  Definitely doable, and needed in all honesty.  Sometimes you need that 'drop' to realize you're not as helpless and under as you had once thought ...  Upon her arrival on Monday, I was a bit nervous to see her first impressions back.  Should I messy up the place a bit to show her she was missed, or will she be proud of my efforts which, I hope will allow her to do more thorough cleaning now that I've gotten the laundry and clutter under control ...  I was in luck. The entire house was in complete disarray. She felt completely needed, missed and welcomed back.  Whew :)  

This morning, still on a spotless high from her big return into our life Monday, I relished in the fact that I did not have to work deep cleaning bathrooms into my Tuesday today.   
Extremely thankful for you Isabel!

I wish for you this Fat Tuesday:  
A day of joyful, chore-free celebration!
Our token to New Orleans, all 6 of us in the heart of the French Quarter last March, I think ...

Laissez les bons temps rouler!


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Favorite Things #1: Tuna Salad

This will officially be my very first recipe POST!

I've decided to make my Chirp a bit more personal.  I am a lover of things.  Once I acquire something wonderful, I spread it!  I let every single person I contact that day know about it, and then if another friend happens to enter the convo late, I retell about it!  That's how joyous I am about the favorite things in my life.  

It's a pretty simple list, so I decided I'd start sharing with my Flock. 

             {Super mom moment..}
We found out in January of 2009 that my one year old lion, Leonidas had FOOD ALLERGIES.  Oh dread.  He had a Peanut, Milk and Egg allergy.  I remember the moment I got the call from our pediatrician with the test results:  He was sitting at his table in front of me eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a big cup of milk!  Awesome.

Leo at 17 months:  A true lover of living he is :)

I immediately started revamping our entire household diet to accommodate.  One gem I found from the many: Tuna Salad made with French Vinaigrette {I got my recipe from the old school Joy of Cooking cookbook, but really like version.} and instead of Dijon mustard, I use dry mustard..  I guess I just make my own version because mine is much more simple to put together, but for those who enjoy actual measurements and true ingredients and instructions, please refer to the recipe ;)

So I make mine with REALLY, REALLY good tuna to start with, such as canned Yellow Fin from Central Market or Fresh Albacore Tuna canned from Wholefoods 365, and make sure they're packed with EVOO.  I then drain, because it will have the soaked goodness from the EVOO it was packed in, but will be ever enhanced when I add my personal EVOO to it, thanks to a lifetime supply directly from Greece from my Mother-in-law {one perk of marrying Greek}!  I throw into a Tupperware container that has a lid, and add equal amounts {about 2 Tbls each} of oil, red vinegar and a squirt of lemon juice.  I add a dash or 2 of dry mustard--because dry mustard enhances any dressing in my opinion--and some fresh ground pepper.   Throw in your choice of nut {pecans or almond slivers are truly divine in this, but also walnuts--your choice}, and don't forget the dried cranberries {adds the perfect sweetness}.  Next, place top securely on container and shake, shake, shake!

Enjoy alongside your favorite cracker, toasted, thinly sliced french bread {or toasted cranberry walnut bread from Central Market, YUM!} ALSO a hit on top of a fresh bed of greens with some fresh cut tomatoes and purple onions. Any time I have you over for lunch, I'll most likely make this for you alongside some fresh pitted Kalamata Olives, toasted slices of an assortment of breads, some feta and a huge bowl of salad greens;)

I must state this:***Leo doesn't really LOVE this dish like I do, but it has been a true favorite of mine since Mayo exited our life.   
Let me know if you try it--I hope you LOVE IT!


Friday, February 8, 2013

Breeding an Attitude of Gratitude

My husband just thanked me for going to the grocery store and taking the kids to school this morning.  Ava thanked me for making her favorite breakfast {egg and bacon breakfast tacos with a huge side of cantaloupe} this morning and also stated, "I want to be a chef, mommy, sew-er {seamstress ;)}, and doctor, when I grow up, just like you and daddy." {She also may have been buttering me up for her-later in the morning question of "can I spend my tooth fairy money this afternoon at school and buy a box of GS cookies?".. } Leo followed that with his aspirations of being Luke Skywalker ..  Just another wonderful way to start a day!

While Valentine's Day and Mother's Day--and Father's Day--are welcomed and celebrated heavily at our Nest, I am so thankful that there is a constant attitude of gratitude swarming around us on a daily basis.  Makes me feel like a Rock Star every day, and my hope is that others in my presence feel the same Rock Star status:)

School Pictures came out yesterday!!  Since it's my blog, I guess I can joyfully post them :)  John and I Live for school pics.  We love the awkwardness of them, but I have to admit, I don't think any of these turned out awkward To me they are down right perfect ;)

Maximus,  3 1/2

Kalliope, 2

Ava, 6 1/2

Leonidas, 5

the sibling shot!!

I wish you a day full of gratitude and gratefulness and LOVE. 


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Holy Moly it's been a while--Just Batching!

Went to a blogging workshop Saturday, you know to learn how I can improve my blog and increase my traffic--Guess what I learned, YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY MAKE BLOG POSTS!!  

That's me!  Mama Bird to 4 growing little fledglings, one little monster {Rigby}, and 2 businesses, HMC3, my day job I do with school boards across the state of Louisiana, AND yes, my Little Bird Venture.  Not to mention wife, CEO and CFO to our home front, housekeeper, chef extraordinaire, chauffeur, yada, yada, yada... 

SO here's a top 10 list to catch you up on just a few of the highlights of the past couple of months since my last entry.  I'll be getting into a new habit of adding posts into my weekly agenda starting this month--so get ready for it!  

Like it or love it, you'll be hearing more from this attempting-to-do-it-all-and-knowing-I-CAN-have-it-all Mama, who just happens to work in more joy alongside motherhood via creative outlets and inspiration from my loves and friends--and future friends--
Always room for future friends ;)

#1} Pilates Reformer. I am obsessed with this class, LOVE it!  I've added to my fitness routine alongside running with my Johns :)

#2} Holidays--about 4 to be exact, since my last post!  Thankful for all the holiday sales and interest in our first Themed Blanket Our Christmas Lovie!  MY favorite this year of the 4 missed, MLK Day, which Kalliope's second birthday happened to fall on :)  We threw an AM breakfast party and then had cupcakes on our block with all of our fun neighbors after bike riding.  That day, she decided she was OVER the crib {literally} and so on Jan 22,  John and I said farewell to our final baby item from 6 years full of overwhelming joy, love and sweet memories, our baby crib.. This 4th is one spunky go getter! She was ready.  She is one super 4th, amazes me each day!  Last night (2/6) I couldn't help but get a little emotional as I checked in on her before I headed to bed..  She's growing so fast!!!

#3} January 7th, Kalliope Jude had her 1st day of school!!!!!  I don't think any one can relate in the pure liberation and freedom John and I felt as she happily exited the car with her 3 older sibs and went to the most loving wonderful Montessori school one could ever wish for all 4 of theirs to attend.  It took us a while, I realized, to fully soak it in, the freedom, the quite, the ability to get a project accomplished in full within one morning, when it used to take weeks!  It was such a joyful transition for all of us.  
So thankful.

#4} Fresh beginnings, new agendas!  In more ways than one, the new 2013 year meant so much more than usual resolutions and fresh starts.I spent the entire month since the start back of school reorganizing/uncluttering/sorting/streamlining our entire NEST!  It was as if I was nesting, but this time without the protruding belly and fatigue!  I find myself having to calm myself down so much now, and forcing myself to take a breath, there's just so much to accomplish in these hours each weekday now ;)  

January is the month I take off from Little Bird and give my sewing machines some much needed TLC and repairs and rest by sending them off for servicing forcing me to stick with the task of getting my home in order.  This January, I did just that in each and every room of our house.  I got a great system down of doing laundry {a feat in and of itself}, my kitchen is in tip top shape and so organized I actually have started to enjoy cooking!  I reached out to a lot of mommy blogs out there that specialize in organization and cleanliness and cooking...  Thankful for sights like these {,,,} and more that take the time to share!!

#5} New painted Batches!!!!  Sneak peak of Spring/Summer 2013 Collection :)

#6}  Redid each of my children's bedrooms.  Kalliope's was mainly transformed from the exit of the huge crib!  And ALL 3 bigs now share one huge Star Wars themed room and bunk beds.  I'll have to post more about that project later..  My kids were elated that so much was made just for them, and I was elated to be the maker, alongside one of the most super dads I know, our Johns :)

#7}  Date Days! and trail runs with my LOVE!!!  Something strollers and baby in tow make impossible to do together.   

#8}  Batch Sewing!!!

 #9}  Valentine's Day Blankets:  Available for V-Day delivery through Friday the 9th.

#10}  Another 3 months of living this life I've been given!  Each day I am ever so grateful and extremely thankful for the roles I play, the actions I get to take, the people that surround my everyday routine--including my neighbors:).  I am definitely looking forward to ALL that 2013 has to offer for Little Bird and promise to do a terrific job from this day forward on keeping everyone in the loop!

 Extras, because who can stop at just 10--Not this Mama...

Maximus being Maximus..

Oh yeah, My Leonidas the Great--turned 5!!!!  We celebrated Superhero style at an open Gym here in SA with no one but boy buds and sisters :) Such a big boy in so many ways :)

KJ embracing the deliciousness of her day.

Ava always knows how to get the most joy from any dessert!


 Wishing you and yours warmth, Happiness, and LOVE all the days~