
Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I feel as if time is just flying by!  Last month was in scary high speed since Labor Day it seems.  John was out of town for 6-7 days and crammed all of his shifts in, for the most part, prior to his journey which equaled, one LONG month of working in work along side 4 little people.  So I'm a bit behind in getting out our fall collection ...

The great news:  Little Bird's has some truly fabulous new looks and options to choose from, AND they are all 100% hand made and photographed by me.  I was really excited to do everything from start to finish to decide exactly how to hire others to help in the future when we head towards making Little Birds HUGE :)  The FANTASTIC News with this, every product posted is 100% authentic, and unique.

It was before as well, but as we have evolved into the company and direction we want to head, there hasn't been a definite style that we've stuck with and loved.  The only constant:  The Ava Bird itself, other than that each new additional image Little Bird's has produced has been tweeked--to now, perfection!  (At least from my opinion:))  Last year (August 2010 thru roughly June of 2011) Little Bird made strictly Yellow Birds and placed them on juts a few color and blanket options to enable the product to be easily mass produced for large orders.  What we took from that:  Consistency in painting, quality and design.  The cons, or things that were missed, uniqueness ...

So this summer, I spent it with Ava and my children, studio, washing machine, art studio, and of course, trusty sewing machine perfecting the art of 

Will be featuring new items as they are photographed :)

For Now:
Check out Our Halloween Collection, I hope you like it :)