
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kidspiration of the Month--our very own AVA BIRD!!

Check out full interview and get inspired!!  
Such a fun blog, Casey :)
This was such a special moment for 
Ava and it shows :)  
She looks and sounds like such a natural throughout this interview.
I was so proud and thankful that 
I get to be her mommy :)

BIG BIG news coming next week!!!  
Stay tuned ...

Friday, July 15, 2011

And the Winners Are ....

of the
1st drawing: 
(Picked by Ava Bird)  


Our Lion, Leonidas, chose Pam as the winner of Drawing #2!

And MAXIMUS OUR OCTOPUS Picked Lizzie Brown as our winner of Drawing #3!!! 

And an even larger thank you to all of our Little Bird fans out there who make us, us:)
Next drawing will be picked on time next time--I promise! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Okay, this is what happens when you're a mompreneur that works mainly around school, nap and night time hour days ... You forget how crazy it gets to work with kiddo's around and forget about things ... 
Precisely what took place tonight--dinner ran over, bath time was late, bedtime was needed and then, just as I got the last sleepy headed duo down, I realized it was 7:05 and the drawing did not take place.  

Positives: One more day to enter!  We'll draw the winning entries right after nap time tomorrow--4:30ish.

Drawing tonight!!!! 9 hours and counting ...

Drawing takes place at 7 o'clock tonight in our newly redecorated 
Little Bird Vintage Designs 
home studio!!!  
Pictures to be included with every win :)
Thanks to my mama blog friends Rebecca, of and Casey, of for adding a new way to get entered in the drawings 3x's by posting us on your blog!!  

Our non-blogging fans can earn 3x's the entry as well by forwarding it out to friends via email or posting us on your Facebook wall--just cc us at 
to let me know.
Wishing you luck!
9 hours and counting!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

5000 views!! and it wasn't just me;)

The Chirp reached 5000 views today since it's Hatching last summer!!  What a year ... As a big thank you to all our Little Bird Fans big and small, we have not one, not two, but 
THREE giveaways today to celebrate!!!!  

1st drawing: 
(Picked by Ava Bird)  

The Little Bird Tote Collection, both our Maximus Our Octopus Tote and Our Ava Bird Tote perfect for toting around all of 
your summer goods :)

2cd Drawing: 
(Leo our Lion will be choosing this one)
a Vintage Little Bird Tee!  
You're choice of color and size.

3rd Drawing: 
(and Maximus our Octopus 
will decide the fate of this win)
Our Mama Bird Tee with matching Tote filled with our DTG Infant onsie collection

How to enter:
**Simply post a comment on this entry--or any one of your favorite entries posted to date.
--each comment equals one entry ...

**Buy something Little Bird--although our stock is limited--sorry about that, we're still nesting awhile with our newest addition Kalliope Jude:)  So as an added bonus to shop Little Bird--please expect a 25% return back on your entire PURCHASE from what we have available on our Etsy shop page!!

**Fan us on FaceBook--please comment and let me know you've done so ...

**Tweet about us, and then, leave a comment letting me know you've done so ...

**Join our Flock!  We'd love to have you following us :)

We'll start now and end on Wednesday--tomorrow at 
7 o'clock PM :) 
A HUGE thank you again for  sharing in our journey :)  Looking forward to what's in store for Little Bird throughout Summer and Fall of 2011!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

July 10th, 2004 :)

Seven years ago today I woke up anxious, a little under pressure, a bit stressed, but excited and ready for the day!  I gathered my tools, flowers, coffee, and headed to 
First United Methodist Church in Downtown Shreveport, Louisiana to finish setting the stage for the perfect summer evening garden party celebration one could create inside a church gymnasium :) I was the floral choreographer to the most important event of my life thus far, our wedding. 

It was a week full of family and help and love, just as John and I wanted.  So thankful to have parents who were on board with letting us have it and going along with our plans, filling needs and major roles in and out of their comfort zone—like florist for my mom and event coordinator for Dad.  I am so thankful for my brothers throughout the entire event, Jude and Taunton and Blayne took charge of the entire big picture, ensuring the little details were attended to.  The night would not have been so perfect and beautiful if it hadn’t been for them, and then afterwards, with the help from my other brother, Daniel, they coordinated the clean up/tear down!  I guess all those Student Council Days of event planning and 
stage set up and tear down paid off :)

My favorite memories were made throughout the entire week leading up to this day.  On this day, I was joined by my brothers, mom and dad, family friends, my two Matron’s of Honor—and best friends, to do the final 
preparations and help me transition 
from florist to bride:)

John and I wanted to keep the wedding as intimate as possible, each having our closest friends by our side.  It was only fitting that Josh Young and Julie Anderson were our Best Man and Matron of Honor since it was with the two that John and I first met and became friends during Spring Break, ’99.  And it was Julie’s wedding in 2001 when we had our first date together—and we’ve been together ever since:) Dave McCall and Jessica McHugh Burns, were our besties too up there.  Although they had nothing to do with us as a couple, they each were such a significant part in our individual lives as friends and still are.  Our siblings and my sister-in-law Sonya were standing with us as well, which was important to each of us.  Gracey Jayne, my namesake and 3 year old niece was our flower girl :) My Father walked me down the aisle, and then married us.   It was definitely a beautiful 
 We were surrounded by love, and it showed! 
John and I are still two very strong individual people with a constant emphasis on unity in all that we do, and in each of our decisions and choices that have been laid before us since that day.  Our lives are better together and more full with each year that passes, especially when you count each impending birth, birth and 
delivery we’ve shared.

I feel so blessed to be 
Mrs. Grace Melville Berios :)
Here's to year 8!

Friday, July 1, 2011

"Hey, where's Atticus??"

Ava B and Atticus:)
Ava has been taking Atticus, her infant who shares a wonderful wardrobe with Kalliope Jude, to American Girl Camp this week.  It's a week long camp of making things and crafting alongside your baby:)  Both have LOVED it, and she's made such cute things for her.  Today is their final day together, and what happened??  We forgot Atticus ... had to go all the way back home to get her.  Ava was so sad at herself for the oversight.  I assured her it's a mother's worst fear, to have that mental check list and realize something, or worse--someone had been forgotten.  It's not easy being a mommy, and it's a lot of responsibility to make sure everything and everyone is cared for all the time, day in, day out.  I think it was a great life lesson moment for her and a reminder to me just how lucky I am to be a mommy and, by being a mommy I get that unique power to juggle so much and somehow, someway keep everything running forward and in sync, most of the time ;)  
Here's to mommy power!

Happy Independence Day weekend!!  We are so thankful to be sharing it with our Avia and Papa David who are making a special trip down to San Antonio this weekend to enjoy it with us!  

Wishing you a perfect end to your week:)