
Wednesday, October 27, 2010


After a disastrous drawing with Maximus (He grabbed all 18 entries...) I elected big brother Leonidas to be our official picker :)  He did great--and the winner is ... 

Congratulations Sharon Howey!!!  You won our 2nd Giveaway, a Little Bird Maximus the Octopus Long Sleeve T-Shirt!!!

Thank you for all who participated--
Will post our 3rd Giveaway on Friday!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Giveaway's, new product, charitable projects, Oh My!

A Nest full of our new colors, sure to warm up your little bird!

**Our latest Branching Out project comes to a close on the 31st--you still have time to make such a difference--Check out our collections page and place your 
Halloween Tee and Lovie/Sport order today!

**Wednesday is the final day to enter in our 2nd Giveaway!!  Many ways to enter--check out the post and enter today!!

**New Bright Appliqued Bold Collections in for Fall!  Such cool, hip, warm, inviting, richly intoxicating colors sure to liven up you're little bird's wardrobe :) Be sure to check them all out--snap tees, gathered sleeve tees, long sleeve tees

I love feedback and suggestions--constructive :) 

Facebook us, Join our Fan Page, Twitter Us, Leave a Comment, but especially Become an official Member of the Flock and enjoy lots of specials and first hand deals :)

Wishing you a day filled with Warmth, Love and Happiness--
mine just got brighter :)


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Have you seen the latest from Little Bird's????

Introducing our LATEST Collection just in time for Fall!!! 

Little Bird Vintage Designs

Bold Bright Long Sleeve Collection has arrived!!

Offered in 3 delectably warm colors sure to warm up your little bird as we approach the cooler seasons :) 

Raspberry, Navy and Smoldering Chocolate

Each can be found pictured on our Collections page at

***I apologize that the posted new pics are model-less. I was super excited to get them out there... I'll adjust and add more as they get captured worn and in action, but for now, just picture your little bird looking oh so chic, hip and adorably happy in them :)


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Little Bird's Giveaway #2!!!

Last week was my first ever Little Bird Giveaway and I learned SO much!  For one, this week I will have clear, stated, outlined rules so there is NO confusion and it will make it all that much easier for you to enter and increase your chances in winning :)  

Thank you to ALL who participated last week,
it was a huge success and too much fun!

So without further ado:  
This Week's Little Bird Vintage Designs Second EVER Giveaway!!!!!!!

A Maximus the Octopus Long Sleeved DTG Print Tee!  
Available in sizes 6 mos-5/6 T!! 

This will coordinate perfectly with that Maximus Octo Tote you've been eying or any other Little Bird Product, for that matter :)  Your little bird is sure to love it!

How to ENTER:

*Leave a comment here at the Chirp

How to ENTER many times over:

*Become a member of our Flock by following us

*Visit our collection at little bird vintage designs and heart the shop, a specific item or two ... 
(each heart gets your name entered again :))

*Share this on your Facebook Page, 
be sure to Facebook us and tell me about it :)

*Tweet about us and 
then send me a tweet letting me know at littlebirdvint

*Purchase a coordinating Little Bird Item-
-Every item purchased ='s an entry :)

*Purchase a Little Bird donation item and get entered 2x's 
(once for your purchase, once for the item that will be donated)
Check out our branching out section to find out which items are highlighted.

*Blog about us on your Blog and get bonus entries for all the ones that say they heard about it via your Blog :)

*Send us a picture of your little bird enjoying their 
Little Bird gear!!

Names will be drawn at random from a witches hat at 5 PM on Wednesday October 27th  
by Maximus himself.  
Announcement of official winner and pictures will be posted that evening.

Good luck to all!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gourmet Caramel Apples~from home :)

Now, granted, the end product is not any where close to the beauty found at specialty gourmet apple shops ~ do they even have such a shop??  But I assure you, from many taste tests, looks are not everything :) The one thing I noticed in the end, when I bit into the decedent, rich, slice smothered messily in Chocolate, Caramel and crushed Candy, my first thought was, 'It didn't fall apart!'  Each bite was just as wonderful of an experience as the first :) 

To Start
Daddy and Maximus unwrap the Caramels for melting :)
Our Motto:  The uglier the better :)
So yummy!
I got the idea from A Little Tipsy's Blog--check it out for the recipe and her more beautiful end result :)

It's a messy undertaking, but for this 7 month pregnant lady, completely worth the effort!

Let me know how yours turn out :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Octo Tote Giveaway Winner!!!!

A HUGE THANK YOU to all who participated in our First Ever Giveaway!!!  From the response, we will definitely be making this a weekly event--It was so much fun :)

I tried to prove just how legit it was via photo documentation, but alas, we have three very, busy bodies and this was as much proof as we could muster...
Me cutting, Leo crumpling and placing in tote...
Ava Drawing a name, but disapproving  of my handwriting...

So she rewrote it :)  McCall is the WINNER!!!

 Congratulations McCall the Grand Winner!!!  Yay!

Come back and see us Wednesday for our 2nd weekly giveaway!!!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Brown Sacking it!

At church this morning we were all given a sack to fill of staple, non-perishable groceries as we hit the market this week.  The sacks will be returned throughout the week and distributed to the Hope Center in San Antonio, TX.   

I love how simple they made it for me to give.  

They gave me a sack with a grocery list of just 10 items to include.  I can now simply add these 10 items to my grocery list, keep this sack of filled goods in the car as I unload and, viola, I'm all set to give back next Sunday.  

As I was thinking about the simplicity and affordability of this "good", a thought came to mind:  Why not do this every time I grocery shop, and make a point to deliver it to a food bank throughout my week?  Or keep in my car ready to give the next panhandler I see--which is many on my route throughout my day...  I'm going to give it a try each time I go to the store from now through Thanksgiving.  

Posted you'll find the grocery list in case it's something you feel the desire to try as well, or better yet--Share another idea!  It's much more exciting of a case study to explore all options :)

Sack of Groceries:
*  Green Beans
*  Canned Tomatoes
*  Macaroni 'n Cheese
*  Canned Vegetables
*  Canned Chili
*  Small bags of Dry Pinto Beans
*  Canned Fruit
*  Peanut Butter and Jelly
*  Small Bags of Rice
*  Pudding Packs
**Any non-perishable food items are welcome!

To simple not to try :)

How will you Branch Out today?

Wishing you Warmth, love and happiness today--and full bellies.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Seriously Spooky--Just in time for Halloween!!!

Anyone that knows me, my kids, our schedule, our routine, would realize this to be true of me~

Homelessness frightens me, scares me to death, terrifies me, saddens me.  Not only for the obvious reasons I would feel strongly for pre-kids--but now, in kid mode--it stirs all kinds of deeper emotions and haunts.  How would I cope without my "Nest", my home base?  Where my families security  lies, the comforts that every "nest" provides~Warmth,shelter, sense of safety, control, peace.  

As A mother, I have come to the conclusion that one of the greatest gifts you can give a child is just that:  Routine, security, consistency.  I am thankful, at this time and moment, to be able to provide them with that and treasure that freedom it affords me as a mommy.

Little Bird's Second Branching Out Project lies in building and creating "nests"!  We have teamed up with SAMMinistries--a local homeless operation here that provides a safe haven for families who have some how or another lost their "nest".  

**For each Halloween Ava Bird Tee sold, 100% of all profits rendered will go directly to SAMMinistries family program.  For every Little Bird Lovie and/or Little Bird Sport Blanket Sold, one Little Bird Lovie, and/or Little Bird Sport Blanket will be also donated to the family ministry program.** 

To purchase:

Could you imagine your little bird without his or her favorite blankie or lovie?   Our Maximus alone has three on hand at all times just to ensure his comfort and sense of security~overkill~I know, but you get my point~they play an important role in their little lives.

Please help us to spread the word about this ministry and organization by visiting and becoming a fan of Know that your purchase will make a difference~something you can be reminded of long after Halloween has passed.

In Warmth, love, and happiness~
Grace Berios

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall Packages sent with Love!

I adore receiving mail, I also adore sending mail.  The packaging (wrapping it up), presentation, anticipation of wondering just when it will arrive, the response it will invoke, emotions it will render ... I love it!  Everything about a good ole package, love it.  
Thanks to all my little bird customers, I now get the joy of sending out purchased packages all the time now.  Just today, Maximus and I shipped to all different parts of the USA--from Alaska--to Georgia, Kentucky to right back here in the Great State of Texas!  

Thank you for making my day :)   Keep the orders coming!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Maximus Octopus Tote--Go Eco! Give Away!!

Who doesn't love a great Tote Bag--a cute one at that :) ??
I have trillions it seems--but use them all at some point throughout their lifespan--whether it be the permanents kept in the car intended to be used at all times rather than plastic.  A make shift diaper bag for any of the three--if not all, "attache" to stash my misc writing and business gear in a pinch, a mail sack, a "junk drawer" bag, filled with misc goods that should be sorted, but get hidden for the time being... the list is endless for me :)
What's your best purpose for your tote?  
And while your on the thought--how about adding ours to your collection :)
Introducing -- Our Maximus Octopus 100% Cotton Canvas Tote 
--totally washable--oh so desirable tote bag  $12.00
Perfect as a gift for yourself of some other bird in your life!
Tell us your most outrageous purpose for your tote and one lucky name will be picked to get their Octopus Tote Bag free 
in our Tote Giveaway :) 
***Yikes!***Realized just this morning that I didn't put a deadline on this or any details other than "Free Tote" on here :)  
I'll be closing this Giveaway on Monday the 18th-
you've still got time to get your comment in!***

****Man, I stink at this!  It's my first giveaway... The winner will be drawn on Monday the 18th by Ava, Little Bird's inspiration.****
I promise to have this more laid out next time :)

Secret Guilty Pleasure for a WAH-mostly solo-Mommy

Cinnamon Chip Scone-toasted to heat-accompanied by a strong, rich, no frills, latte--this is my morning pleasure for today-Sunday, 10/10/10.  A little guilty over it though, just a little.   It's another weekend of John (my adoring husband) having to work, me solo parenting it.  Our new church home in San Antonio is conveniently located .2 miles from a Starbucks (a couple locations actually) one way and Panera Bakery-today's choice indulgence-the opposite direction up the road.  It makes it all too convenient for me not to just drop the kids off, each settled in their Sunday School Classes, checked in with my cell number available if they were to need to locate me (it's a large church, so this is protocol :))I then walk inconspicuously back through the forward approaching crowd in the parking lot, get in  my car, turn off all toddler tunes and go enjoy a quite, relaxing, worry free hour to myself to slowly sip and devour my latte and pastry, catch up on thank yous, read, or just sit back and soak in the peace :)  

I feel as if I've stolen this hour all to myself, free of charge, free of pay back--Although I am a strong believer in and active Tither :)  The perfect escape.  And for the record--here's the guilt--I am usually early for the 11 o'clock service, ready to worship!

What's your guilty confession today?

Friday, October 1, 2010

DTG Print has officially arrived at the Nest!

Come check out our latest additions to our nest, our Maximus the Octopus, and Leo the Lion line!!! 

Available in infant organic Tees at the moment and Toddler Ringer T's. There are a few still available in Carter onesies and bodysuits--sleeveless, short sleeved and long sleeved, just in time for cooler temps :)

These new additions we inspired and created for my lion, Leonidas, and Octopus, Maximus, last year with aspirations of adding them to the collection that was inspired originally by Ava, our little bird.  

Give us a chirp!  We'd love to hear your feedback on the new collection :)

We will be offering more big kid items soon ~ stay tuned ...

holy mole!

Do you ever wish to be critiqued?  For good--some critiques can be found in the positive, right?--and bad.   I was thinking over that last night while getting ready for bed.  I'm pregnant with our fourth child, so I guess if I were to be critiqued it would have to be done in such a way that is kind--I'm pretty sensitive and emotional these days ;)  

We all have personal quirks and things of ourselves we consider flaws, but I'd love to know, (some days) what other people might consider noticeable, negative, positive, questionable, of me.  For example, I have a mole that I hate, despise, dread to catch a glimpse of, directly under my right eye.  I would consider that one of my physical flaws, something that I would happily change.  My husband, on the other hand, considers it to be one of my uniquenesses and would probably not look at me nearly as lovingly if I were to one day just go and have it removed.  He thinks it's what makes me me.  (I personally think he's ensuring he'd always be able to pick me out of a line up!)

I also tend to not be a great listener, or at least feel that way after I've had a conversation with someone.  I try to be, and I actually really work to focus on it, making sure the other person knows they have my full attention, but then start focusing to much, I fear, and lose sight of the entire conversation all together ...  I feel so special when someone listens--truly listens to me.  What a gift.   It's something that I'm constantly working to improve upon.  Feel free to let me know when we're in conversation together the next time, if you feel I'm not giving you a 100%:)

Little Birds is a personal venture of mine.  I've been passionate about it's growth and success since day one back in 2007.  I take every compliment and comment and critique to heart.  I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions, even critiques at all times.  Especially as we try new things like introducing our new additions.  Just don't critique my models and we'll work well together :)

Wishing you a flawless day full of Warmth, Love and Happiness!
